Wave of The Future
The Science Behind Bruce Gernon’s Flight
The archive records indicated a sun spot number of 84 and a large solar wind of 706 km/sec which created a disturbance of the magnetosphere and energy flux transfer directly into the atmosphere. This caused radio and navigation (spinning compass) problems on the day of Bruce Gernon’s flight. In Bruce’s case this will do more than spin the compass; it will cause an event that Bruce calls "Electronic Fog" and as we further explore the situation, the warping of the fabric of space, or "linear displacement".
The weather forensic evidence indicated that by late afternoon unstable air existed at the departure point and along the flight route. Cumulus and Towering Cumulus populated the flight path generating late afternoon Thunderstorm activity. The events which begin to trigger the bi-directional flow of energy from space on the, 4th of December 1970, starts early in the morning East of Key West Florida. Miami Flight Service gave a forecast that the weather would be clear between Andros Island and the Florida coast, with a few scattered, isolated thunderstorms of moderate intensity in South Florida. The winds were light and variable, and the temperature was 75 degrees. (See Fig 3) Not unlike ordinary thunderstorms, the Mega Electric Thunderstorm tends to form in Ocean regions where the wind speed and direction do not abruptly change with increasing height above the surface. These conditions usually consist of winds of an Easterly component less than ten MPH, and less than 6 degrees F between ambient air and dew point, which is confirmed, on the daily surface weather map on that day. This scenario can usually be found in between a High and Low pressure systems over Florida and Caribbean area between the Nov – Feb time frame when the earth is closest to the Sun. These are the major contributing factors in setting up the electrical conduits and connectivity for Electronic Fog generation and in Bruce’s particular flight the possibility of the warping of space.
Typical flight from Andros Island Town Airport to West Palm Beach
Flight distance 210 miles: 75 minutes
Total Flight distance 250 miles: 47 minutes 4 Dec 1970
( This distance includes additional miles to avoid Thunderstorms
near Bimini and Miami ) ___________
28 minutes. Delta Time
Total fuel Capacity in Tanks: 80 gals
Typical fuel used: 38 gals in round trip
( No fuel at Andros Island Bruce always started with full tanks 80 gals.)
Fuel use rate: 15 gals/hr @ 180 cruise speed
Typical fuel used: 38 gals in round trip
Fuel used: 29 gals used 4 Dec 1970
9 gals extra fuel
When initially looking at this, a distance of 250 miles in 47 minutes, you could make it if you were going 319.14 MPH. From the A-36, 1970 Aircraft Specifications; Maximum structural cruising……190 MPH and Never exceed……234 MPH. That alone shows that the aircraft would have been ripped apart from the stress, and this didn’t happen on his flight.
Let’s look at a tail wind, you would have to have a consistent 139 MPH tail wind coupled with the A- 36 Bonanzas cruise speed of 180 MPH could have done it. Is this even possible from take off to landing? We would have to have a Southerly low level jet stream at 3000 feet 139 mph and when he came out of the circle of thunderstorms near Bimini Island an Easterly low level jet stream at 10,000 ft at 139 mph. These wind speeds and directions are unusual even at 35 – 40 Thousand feet over the North American continent. The low level presents of these winds would be a terrific meteorological discovery. This is not what happened in Bruce’s case.
The possibility of a linear displacement occurs when the A-36 enters a hole formed between two fast growing Thunderstorms as Bruce’s original flight path has been cut off from surrounding 65,000 foot Thunderstorms. The total time in the tunnel was approximately 20 seconds. Now let’s look at this in detail. Typical Thunderstorms will have electric potential field values of 100,000 to 200,000 volts per meter up through the cloud structure. The Mega Electric Thunderstorms met or exceed measurements of 400,000 volts per meter as per recent cloud study research and a current of over 200,000 Amps. This would produce a total power output per cloud at (65,000 feet in height or 19,810 m ) over 1.5848 x 1012 kW per cell. To put this into perspective a 13.5 kiloton small atomic bomb is about 2.2 x 107 kW. These Thunderstorms would have punched up through the Stratosphere increasing the storms strength. This would create a powerful conduit of energy between the Magnetosphere, Thermosphere, Ionosphere, and the ground. The total energy flux from space would be in the Terra watts of energy.
It is this situation that induced the Thunderstorms and caused a warping or compression in the fabric of space around Bruce Gernon’s aircraft as he enters his only escape route, the hole in the clouds. If you look at the surrounding cloud charge field propagation resultant you will begin to see the warp or compression of the space-time field. I have calculated the total influence of the electric vector field from the surrounding Thunderstorms at 3.22282 x 10 15 Watts of power. In order to demonstrate this example we will use graphics from an electric field software package. http://www.ph.unimelb.edu.au/~mkl/efield/efield.html
Gernon’s navigation chart showing the flight path 4 Dec 1970
This type of situation would have not only compressed space but also provided the electrical energy to ionize the surrounding air and create conditions known as the Electronic Fog. What’s even more intriguing is that ionized particles are attracted to the carbon emissions of the aircraft engine. So no matter where you go right, left, up or down the ionized field just follows you until it surrounds your aircraft. So with the combination of the engine exhaust and the aircraft being made of aluminum, an ionized field can wrap up around the aircraft and form a resultant donut shaped field pattern. This also works for cloth covered metal-framed aircraft and carbon fiber aircraft since this material is conductive as well.
In addition now put into motion a circle of these clouds surrounding a small aircraft and you have a tremendous electro potential force that will yield an ionized field that can attach itself to an aircraft.
As per documents from the FAA fixed wing aircraft can be subjected to electric potentials in flight that can cause engine stoppage and instrument failure. Based on where Bruce entered the cloud at 10,000 feet the Frequencies of the fields within the cloud would have been somewhere between the 400 -700 MHz range based on research and our flight into the triangle on 14 Feb 09. The FAA chart for fixed winged aircraft indicates a 4,000 V/M potential. This means the surrounding field around the aircraft, was at or below this field potential. This would explain the electronic instruments going off-line but not shutting down the engine due to the additional shielding in the engine compartment. This also explains why the radio still worked because of its location in the instrument panel. It was shielded by the surrounding instruments.
I believe we are looking at a two step process, One, compress the fabric of space using the surrounding vectored energy of the circle of Thunderstorms, and Two, Electronic Fog attaches to the aircraft just prior to exiting the tunnel and continues to adhere for about three minutes and then dissipates as A-36 Bonanza approaches land.
The time difference and linear displacement in the overall flight is gained in last 1 to 2 seconds of the 20 seconds in the cloud tunnel. Bruce said as he exited the tunnel and then had a slight sense of acceleration (hydroplaning) and finally a sensation of being weightless for several seconds. Another important point he enters the cloud tunnel at 10,000 feet and when he appears over Miami Beach he is also at 10,000 feet. The point here is that if this is a real example of a local space warp metric it followed the curvature of the Earth. The warp metric appears to be influenced by mass. If we could artificially induce this situation one could travel vast distances on the earth in just a few seconds and still maintain flight levels for separation of commercial traffic. Obviously the potential for space travel also has some real possibilities here as well.
I have calculated the total electric vector field resultant from the surrounding Thunderstorms at 3.22282 x 10 15 Watts of power. This resulting electric field would influence the aircraft from behind while a forward electric field at 1.5848 x 1012 kW from the clouds in front of the air craft would have less energy causing a situation of a collapsing field. I believe that the theory of the Alcubierre warp metric has an interesting similarity with Gernon’s flight through the shrinking cloud tunnel. Those who are familiar with the rules of relativity, if this was to account for Gernon’s event through the cloud tunnel they would have expected a Lorentz contraction, mass increase, and time dilation as a possible explanation of his account for his last 100 miles. But as I looked at his account it just did not fit. He dropped from radar but still had radio communications and was able to use the radio with no apparent delay between Miami and the A-36 Bonanza.
He would have needed to go over 360,000 mph to make a 100 mile distance in one second, which would have ripped the airplane apart. That’s why we are looking at a localized warping of space created by the energy of the surrounding clouds that blocked his flight path and the opposing weaker energy field (the cloud tunnel) which he flew into creating a local flat space warp bubble containment field.
Using the concept of the Alcubierre warp field theory Gernon’s aircraft would entered and overcome the forward field by the push of the large resultant rear field and end up at the center of the moving volume of local flat space, where there are no relativistic mass increases or time dilation effects. This is another point of the Alcubierre metric, while in local flat space there is no speed for the object, the space is moved with no effect on the object. Also while in transit the on-board clock runs at the same speed as the clock of an external observer. The crew of the airplane would not have experienced any accelerational g-forces once inside the field. This may explain why he could use the radio since the transit was only a linear displacement and time dilation was not a consideration. The other confirming event of linear displacement is the radar, just as he exist the cloud they make a call to Miami control to try and find out their position but radar can’t see them, they are gone from the Bimini area. After several calls back and forth of what do you mean, you can’t see us, radar control then say’s I have one aircraft south of the field, Bruce is baffled it can’t be me I am over 80 miles from Miami. As the Fog started to dissipate from the aircraft there he was, over Miami Beach. I figured they lost him at the first 15 second sweep of the radar as he exited the cloud and then picked him up on the next sweep of the Miami Radar antenna which then put him over Miami Beach. The rotation of the radar antenna is about 4 RPM. That gives a return to return time lapse of about 15 seconds per complete rotation.
The entire transit of nearly 100 miles took just a few seconds. The transit started near Bimini Island and ended over Miami Beach. The field dissipated as the A-36 Bonanza approached land.
This could be the first real documented case of a natural warping of the fabric of space and an external Ionized Confinement Field around the aircraft produced from Mega Electric Thunderstorm activity. This may also explain why he could be seen on radar but could not be seen physically in the sky until the containment field dissipated around Bruce’s plane as he approached land.
The cloaking or invisibility was due to the Compton Effect of a negative index of refraction where the outer edge of the containment field generates a transverse wave form which causes a destructive interference with light. See Compton effect at the bottom. The end result, you can’t see the aircraft against the sky. Then pop, they have him on radar and after the containment field dissipates they can see him over Miami Beach. And as the story goes, the controller does not see any fog in the area just clear skies, Bruce with a sense of disbelief of where he had been seconds earlier to where he ends up over Miami Beach then clears with Miami Radar control and then fly’s an additional 30 miles to vector around a local thunderstorm and lands at his final destination West Palm Beach Airport.
A linear displacement of nearly 100 miles plus he covers the 250 mile even with the additional miles due in flight course changes in the trip in only 47 minutes and ends up with 9 extra gallons of unspent fuel. A trip that normal takes 75 minutes. Then begins his nearly forty year plus journey begins, to try and understand what happened on this flight.